We are a well known squad!
Since Competeing at Cheerleading Championships & Cheering at Dundee F.C Home Games.
The Dundee Cheerleaders are a well known squad just from being at Championships,Cheering for Dundee F.C and winning the Scottish Nationals Competitions along with other cheerleading squads from Scotland.
DO YOU? Want to be part of the Dundee Cheerleaders Squad for 2003!
If you think you've got what it takes be a cheerleader and want to tryout for the squad.
There will be a page going up round about september with the dates & place of the tryouts or if you wish to send me an e-mail(address is at the bottom).
We have tryouts each year and even the girls who are in the squad just now have to tryout each year if they wish to stay part of the squad.
The Dundee Cheerleaders have been going as a squad for many years now.
In 1996 there were known as the Dundee Whalers who cheered for the Dundee Whalers American Football Team with there colours being Green,White & Royal Blue As the Dundee Whalers they also competed at 2 Championships 1998 they competed at the UKCA in Wales In 1999 they competed at BCA in Bracknell,the Championships in Bracknell were held at the Home Ice Arena of the Bracknell Hoenybees Ice Hockey Team & The Honeybee Cheerleaders. At Bracknell the girls came in 5th place in Europe at there 2nd Championship,it was only there 2nd time at a Cheerleading Competition....GO GIRLS!
Then 1999 we became known as the Dundee Cheerleaders with our colours being RED,WHITE & (NAVY) BLUE. We started Cheering for Dundee F.C at there Home Games.
Since being known as the Dundee Cheerleaders we have won many trophies at Competitions
If you want to e-mail either Emma or Jo for any info about the tryouts or squad please e-mail either one of us!
Emma Harper's E-mail address:cheerleader@lineone.net
Jo Walls E-mail address: